• Gas safe approved
  • Trusted since 1982
  • East Anglia’s largest heating company
  • One fixed price
Social Housing Header

Social Housing Services

What is Social Housing?

Social housing is a vital component of a well-functioning society. Its aim is to ensure that everyone has access to safe, secure, and affordable housing.

This goes beyond mere shelter, providing individuals and families with a stable foundation that promotes their overall well-being and social integration.

Through a combination of government funding, partnerships, and community involvement, many of the companies that Gasway collaborated with.

Social housing strives to bridge the gap between housing as a basic human right and the economic realities faced by a vulnerable population.

By offering stability, affordability, and a platform for personal growth, social housing plays a crucial role in building a more equitable and compassionate society.


Who We work With

As a subsidiary of Flagship and a collaborator in the East Anglian Community, Gasway and blueflame work alongside these organisations.

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We are here to Support!

Flagship Group Social Impact

Contact Flagship

NCC Contact Element Aligner

Norwich City Council Support Page

NCC Support Page
East Suffolk Contact Element

Contact East Suffolk Council

Clarion Housing Contact Element

Contact Clarion Housing



Group Tenancy Image

Gasway and Blueflame, both subsidiaries of the Flagship, contribute to the diverse and comprehensive range of services offered by the Group.

As part of Flagship's commitment to creating holistic solutions for communities, Gasway and Blueflame specialize in providing essential heating services that underscore the Group's dedication to improving lives and fostering sustainable environments.

Expert advice and Support

Got a question? Take a look at our information centre and FAQs page or get in touch, we’re happy to help.

Heating & Boiler Advice

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