• Gas safe approved
  • Trusted since 1982
  • East Anglia’s largest heating company
  • One fixed price

Important customer safety notice from Ideal

Ideal Heating Safety Announcement Cover

Ideal heating has identified a potential issue with a small number of their boilers. 

In a small proportion of the affected range of boilers (approximately 1 in 10,000), if an excessive volume of air has become trapped inside the boiler in a fault condition, it could cause the boiler to overheat and fail. 

"At Ideal Heating, we are committed to ensuring the quality, reliability and safety of our products"

"For this reason, we will apply a safety upgrade to boilers manufactured between August 2022 and 7th January 2024 across the following ranges:"

  • Logic Combi2 
  • Logic System2 
  • Logic + Combi2 
  • Logic + System2 
  • Logic Max Combi2 
  • Logic Max System2 
  • iMini2 
  • Independent Combi2 
  • Keston Combi2 
  • Keston System2 

Next steps to ensure your safety

Boilers in current production are not affected.

Ideal are directly contacting everyone who has registered the warranty of an affected boiler and asking them to visit www.idealsupport.co.uk to register their details to enable us to arrange an engineer visit, or call us free of charge on 0808 175 9173.

Customers can also check if the boiler in their home is affected using the dedicated webpage idealsupport.co.uk or by calling the freephone number 0808 175 9173.

Other Heating System Checks

How to continue to use your boiler while you wait for your replacement.

Customers can continue to use their boiler. We are advising to repressurise it. Simple instructions for how to do this can be found on our dedicated webpage www.idealsupport.co.uk or in the videos shown below.

We apologise that this issue has arisen and appreciate that customers may have concerns. If you have any questions, visit the dedicated webpage www.idealsupport.co.uk, email us at customer@idealsupport.co.uk or call us free of charge on 0808 175 9173.

How to top up your boiler pressure
Topping up boiler pressure.

How to top up your boiler pressure

A full video guide on how to top up your boiler pressure

What to do if your central heating stops working check your radiator

How to top up your boiler pressure written guide

Click here for a full written guide

Frequently Asked Questions

You can continue to use your boiler. However, we advise you to repressurise your boiler and ensure you register your details for an upgrade. For instructions on how to do this, you can watch the videos on our dedicated webpage www.idealsupport.co.uk or call us free of charge on 0808 175 9173.

You can still continue to use your boiler but, if you cannot repressurise your boiler for any reason, please contact us through our dedicated email customer@idealsupport.co.uk or freephone phone number 0808 175 9173 so we can help you.

Your heating system and boiler are at the correct pressure level, you do not have to repressurise your boiler. You may want to bleed your radiators, if this causes the pressure on the front of the boiler to drop, then you should repressurise to 1.5bar. For instructions for how to do this, you can watch the videos on our dedicated webpage www.idealsupport.co.uk or call us free of charge on 0808 175 9173.

There is an additional component that will need to be added to your boiler. This component may take up to 4 to 16 weeks to manufacture. An engineer will install this and is an additional safety device that is above and beyond the safety measures already within the boiler. It will not affect the performance or efficiency of your boiler.

The solution to this issue will require a heating engineer to visit your home, the visit will take 30-60 minutes. To register for the upgrade, we need you to confirm your contact details at www.idealsupport.co.uk or contact us on 0808 175 9173.

In the meantime, you can continue to use your boiler, however, we advise you to repressurise your boiler. For instructions on how to do this, you can watch the videos on our dedicated webpage www.idealsupport.co.uk or call us free of charge on 0808 175 9173.

Further Heating Advice

For further heating system advice, please

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